For my 20th birthday, after enjoying a great day with my mom and sister, I treated myself to a trail run. Someone wonderful in my life had given me a pair of Vibram Fivefinger KSO Trek's. They had to be tested. I had gotten myself my very first pair of Lulu Lemon shorts. I hit the peaceful Quinte Conservation trail (an easy run, but very beautiful) with my best running buddy and found myself thinking about my upcoming year.

My Vibe's.
I'm not a big believer in New Year resolutions. I see them as a fairly negative
thing. You pick something you don't like about yourself, and then vow to change it. My thoughts weren't really resolutions I wanted to make. They were more things I wished to achieve; experiences I want to feel; goals I want to meet.
1. Make weights part of my life.
I know I enjoy being in the gym. I know weight training is good for me in many different ways. All I have to do is make it a habit. How can I do this? ORGANIZE! PLAN! Find a buddy...anything to make gym time impossible to forego.
2. Keep my diet clean.
This is a goal that I have been working on for the past 9 months or so. Eating clean is an important part of my entire life. It keeps me emotionally stable; it will help me achieve a body composition I love; it will keep my skin free from eczema. Not to mention, eating clean saves money!
With my second year of university only a week away, the cafeteria and it's money sucking powers await. If I am armed with my cooler of clean eats, I will have no need for the other garbage!
Eating clean will help me get to every other achievement I want. It will save me money, keep my mind alert, keep my body fueled, and keep my emotions stable.
3. Go to Tanzania
Traveling for my education and career is a dream I have always had. Through the Work the World program, I will learn so much about life and nursing. To make this happen I need to thoughtfully save my money!!! I must explore all options carefully, and determine if my time spent there will be able to count towards my education.
My trail run let me explore these wants very closely. On a fitness level, I noticed a huge change from my first trail run of the summer. The gentle thud of my feet against the earth provided comfort. There was no strain in continuing, and any recovery periods I took were short. My legs were eager to continue the former pace. Heist was in heaven being free to set his own off-leash pace.
My first 20 years have set a wonderful foundation for the rest of my life. I need to do my best to take each day as a gift, but plan ahead to experience everything I want to.
What "today" goals can you set? What do you want to make happen right now? Tomorrow? 5 years? Don't wait for a new year, because everyday is a new beginning.