Monday, May 9, 2011

Away I go...

Saturday, April 30

I arrived at Pearson at 3am. United Airlines did not open their lines until almost 4am. I was not pleased. Once I got through Customs and Security, I didn't need to wait long.

I knew my trip would be wonderful when the Adele album was playing in Starbucks. It immediately made me think of someone special at home. When I left Starbucks to make my way to Gate 164, The Carpenters were playing. Good travels for sure.

11:45, Washington, D.C.

4 hour layover. Awesome. Saw the MOST BEAUTIFUL little boy. I'm on the plane getting ready for take off. I have a window seat by the wing. Dulles was a really neat airport. It had a train that connected the different terminals.

Sometime about 11 hours after 11:45, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

There is a smoking section! How cool. I'm sort of nervous to go and buy a drink (I didn't end up buying one)- but I've been up for 24 hours and could use some caffeine. Ethiopia is full of beautiful people.

The most outrageous woman sat beside me on the plane. She was coming back to Djibouti to visit her sons. She liked to talk. She got me to undo her bra because she was too hot. She also offered her lap to sleep on. She was cute.

Sweetest little boy waiting for the plane chanting 'EE-TEA-OH-PEE-AH!!!" I need to be careful how many cute children I log in this journal.

Flight to Kili-

Sat with two wonderful Americans. We started talking about things, and it turns out she has a son with Cerebal Palsy and we talked a long time about Chels. I figured out I had missed 2 nights o f sleep. No wonder when I arrived at the house I could barely unpack.

The girls at the house are amazing. They are very welcoming. We all went out for dinner to a place that served African and Mediterranian food. I also had my first drink made with Konyagi, I believe the spirit and I will become friends.

The girls really are a riot! I may return home with a British accent though.

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