Friday, May 21, 2010

Great Food + Lots of Action = One Happy Person

I had the first meltdown I've had since starting my medication. These overflows of pent up energy just started in this past year, with more strength than I have ever experienced. The energy is physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual. The force of its expulsion is something one cannot control. I do not like these meltdowns. The lead up to them also hurts other people. No one deserves to experience me like that.

I think I know why it happened though, and that gives me hope and knowledge. And we all know that knowledge is power.

In the two days prior to the "meltdown" I didn't put a single clean food choice in my mouth. I didn't push myself to get rid of any excess physical energy. I had had some sort of bug upset my stomach fiercely, and left me without the ability to want to eat anything or get outside. And man oh man, did I see what an impact that had on my mood.

The power is now in my hands. The simple equation to keep my balanced is being kind to my body. Eating clean, burning off energy, chanllenging my thinking, and loving others will help keep me being a happy person.

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